Thursday, June 5, 2008

Starting A New Page

Some may read this and think that I am using the above expression to talk about a new part in my life. Those who think that would be right and others who do not think that would be right as well. Actually, I am starting a new blog page. My last one is still running, but it won't let me sign in. So for those who want to check out what I have done previously, my old blog was: There are some good times on that page, but now there will be even better thoughts of randomness and other posts that sound like journal entries. Why? Because for some reason I do a lot better at writing in a blog than I do in my own journal. Why, I don't know. That is just how it works.

A new "page" in life has been started for Alice and I. We just recently moved back to my hometown of Brigham City. I have had mixed feelings about moving back to where I grew up, but so far the week and a half we have been here has been good. Alice has done a great job at making our apartment a home. She's good at that. Today, we are going to get my parents old piano! I do not play the piano well, but I am looking forward to getting to play the piano better. But thinking about it, I am not sure the down stairs neighbors will be too excited. All well. So here it goes...The starting of a new page. A new page in blogging and a new page of life without school. Carpe diem...Seize the Carp!